Thursday, January 8, 2009

requiem for a 50 foot woman

a moment of silence please...

"Although the city is still in smoking ruins and the sirens have yet to wind down i think i can speak for everyone here in stating that we will miss her. Yes, she shredded the monorail, yes the orphanages and hospitals are but rubble and the war memorial will never be seen in quite the same way. But her brief rampage into the heart of our city will be felt for generations to come. Years from now the story will be told and those who are here to today will turn to each other and say, "Yes, I remember. I remember when she stomped on the Tastee-Freeze. I remember when she flooded the zoo. I remember the dark and stormy night when she batted aside the power plant with a flick of one hand."
"As devastating, and yes, exhilerating as her presence was in our fair city her impact is only matched by her absence. For a brief moment of time we were all at the epicenter of one very tall woman's rage. I don't believe that i am alone in saying it was the best night of my life. Yes, i was nearly crushed under the library but i would not exchange that moment for all the years in a suburban paradise."
"Wherever she might be now, whatever town or hamlet she may be burning to the ground, our thoughts go out to her. God bless you, 50 foot woman, wherever you are."


by a moonlit poole

forgive the transgression, if this is.

by a moonlit poole
a gathering of beautiful
fractured friends
lost loves
and grown up
despite ourselves
in this faerie ring
presided over
by a cock-eyed Puck
kisses come naturally here
palatable joy resides here
we are blessed again
by a casual mad god

(i remember you at dusk
leather bedecked
wild white hair
sharp steel spinning
in deadly circles
from side to side
i remember your counsel
at the coffeeshop
about a baby
that may have been
i remember
your vampire days)

i remember your eyes in the ring of faerie
sharp swords slanted
full of mischief incredible
a gaze that inspires
reckless campaigns

forgive the transgression
if this is
for i am a mortal man
planted in red clay
full of folly
and discordant dreams
forgive me if i wax poetic
for it is
to spend the evening
by a moonlit poole
to be in the gaze
of a goddess unaware

b. 6/29/08