Tuesday, December 23, 2008

the ventures roar through me as i’m...

...thinking about you devils tonight - you poorly disguised satyrs & nymphs dancing in my memory to dirty guitars cutting through heartbeats. in this season of the birth of the last blood sacrifice to a hungering god and shabby ritual. how i love you all. how i miss you all and how i want to dance again with you in the light of a painted moon.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Schrödinger's Cat

Schrödinger's cat
Schrödinger's cat
How does he nibble his kibble in a box like that??

If we sneak a peek
things would be bleak
for poor Schrödinger's cat.

Does he meow or yowl
or chase his furry tail?
Does he have a litter box
in the box of Schrödinger's tale?

Does he nap? Does he purr?
Into a warm ball does he curl?
Does the sun rise
glittering in diamond eyes
of the captive cat?

The ASPCA should lock mean ol' Schrödinger away
for treatment cruel and inhumane.
But lucky for Schrödinger
and this is the stinger
the cat only lives in our brain.

So open your boxes
set your cats free
for a life in a box
is no way to be

devil across the sun

( s h u f f l e )

the reason rubes are so easy to hook is because they hope

they meet you more than halfway - they practically beg you to take them

( s h u f f l e )

if i didn't have such a refined sense of morals i would walk out of here

with half the world and the blessings of the sheep i slaughtered

( s h u f f l e )

but i see their eyes as i lay my cards down

and i remember as major and minor arcana twirl

( s h u f f l e )

the devil across my sun - blocking the world

bracketed on all sides by swords

( s h u f f l e )

i'm as big of a rube as they

more so

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

venus barely there

a pin prick in this oklahoma night
far away above
the black on blue on black
clouds congregating like crows
dark as my mind
a tiny bright respite
despite it all
venus barely there
but there
it is

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


the hollow
in the bed
you left
is cluttered
with dimestore mysteries
paper strumpets
and yesterday's dish

with a glacier's spontaneity
i've crept
to the middle
like a tectonic plate
i slide

i wake
at dawn
cock up
in the middle